Sunday, March 23, 2008

Im a bit scared

I'll forget important things.
But i don't think I should be.

It's just kind of a thought.
I have this journal, but I rarely write in it. I think I've screwed over the meaning of a journal.
I try to correspond it with my photography, which works occasionally. But i think It'd hold my thoughts more specifically.

These past few days, I've felt the strangest I believe I've ever felt. Things have come out I wouldn't have expected. And It's really shaping my next footsteps. But everything happens for a reason. You see, if we forgot about our pasts we wouldn't understand why we are the way we are today.

"Where we are...there are no ceilings where we are. I could be anywhere as long as Im with you."

Happy Easter,

Infinite Love,

1 comment:

meg said...

i met someone who said our pasts doesnt matter, but like you, i think it does. yes, we should focus on the present state but our past has shaped us and made us who we are