Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ice Cream Truck

I've been squished silly with business since i got home.
Im the filling in the oreo.

i like keeping busy though. It keeps me on my feet.
Last night I watched the sunset from the top of a parking garage on mill avenue.
Great view, i'll take you there sometime :)

Im waiting for my books to arrive. Yesterday, I bought The Catcher and the Rye. I know I know, I don't know why I haven't read it yet either. I ordered "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower", "The Screwtape Letters", and "The Irresistible Revolution"'.

Should be getting those soon.
My pre-ordered Alive In Wild Paint album should be here anyday.


Possessions are such a burden, sometimes.

Since I've been smothered with tacos, and my stomach doesn't believe in anything else besides "Coca" and "Carne o Langua",
I'm going to start getting back in shape. There's also that 3 miles around Hume that I would like to do somewhat better on this year :)

Hume, you look way to beautiful for your own good.

1 comment:

meg said...

your writing makes me believe that sometimes words can be stronger than actions