Sunday, November 2, 2008

Today Would Be

My 16th birthday.

And, it doesn't feel a whole lot different. I think that when we're younger, parents make it something to celebrate, and what not, but the older you get the more birthdays feel like normal days, with a nice dinner. :) Which isn't so bad. However, I can remember times when I was younger, and I could not wait til I had reached this age.

"MAN. 16? What'll I do when I'm 16. Hmm, the WHOLE world will be in front of me. I could do whatever I want."

Certainly, that is not the case. Maybe, as days continue to pass, I will be given more responsibility and freedom, as the go hand in hand. But, I'd like to include goals for myself that I'd like to see myself accomplish over this year, and hopefully continue on through high school, college, so on and forth.

So, one is to be blogging more. Most certainly not for anyone else but myself, and keep a record on my thoughts.

This was, in fact, the original reason for this blog. However, I felt it lost its meaning after some time. But I was the one who changed the meaning. So, my fault.

Today was a good birthday. I woke up this morning at 5 to hike with kevin, nate, and sara on 3 hours of sleep! Kevin and I got some stuff around town with some giftcards I've received last night. It was fun. I came home, and my dad took me out to practice parallel parking for my drivers test this week! Then, I went to 5 service, and the worship was truly amazing and utterly remarkable. But this service, however amazing, couldn't keep me awake. It was those 3 hours of sleep i've been running on dying on me early. After, I went to YC's for dinner with the fam. It was good. Now I'm home, about to start homework. Hopefully I can go to bed at a decent hour.

I'm going to get more on mobile blogging, because it's easier since I'm not always home, and I don't have to wait for a computer to do so. I guess that's the point.

Not sure If I'm switching to wordpress or not. Blogger is just fine with me.
