Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So, I Lied...

"Christianity has often offered little to the world, other than the hope that things will be better than heaven."

And i would have to agree.

Agree also that Jesus wrecked my life. Shane and I had a similar plan, a similar pre-time, as to put it.
Why am I trying to be first?
How does getting a good job work?

Yet I also think...
Could you work hard in school to get a good job, and not be greedy with your money?
Could you reach out to the people you work with?
Is there a Paul today like there was then?

And then there's youth group...
and the fire...

Mike Bhatti and I once walked around Downtown Phoenix. Almost a year ago. We handed out sandwiches, and had bible verses in them, with water, to people living on the streets. He introduced me to his good friend, Danny i believe his name was, and his wife. Almost 6 years they'd been in and out of Phoenix. I found it awkward that they actually travel like birds through the seasons, going north, or south, or wherever to find a somewhat better climate. I think what caught me the most was the fact that Mike had introduced this guy to Jesus, and Danny had given up drugs and alcohol, or so he said. But, living out there everyday without a consistent place to rest your head not knowing if you'll even wake up in the morning, and giving up everything you've ever felt close to because Jesus felt closer. I wonder how he is doing right now...

It makes me feel like God is everywhere. It's hard to see, but everywhere, where least expected. I think it knocks down everyone else and pulls the banner higher, shouting "I use the weak to shame the strong". And it makes me want to do something but I feel like I'm so young and I can't, and I feel weak. But maybe I can do something, and God will use me to shame the strong. It feels a bit prideful, maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

I just feel helpless. I'm a 15 year old kid who's told 5 different things from 20 other people and I don't know what's exactly fact, who to talk to, and where God wants me next. It's dangerous. But I just wanna talk. Will you sit and talk with me? Is it wrong to crave such knowledge? Tell me why I should keep going! Encourage me! Tell me where I shouldn't go, tell me where I should. Tell me where you wanna go or what Jesus is doing for you right now. Tell me how you feel about this subject and why, or that subject and why. Tell me anything.

It's a pretty wide matter for such a narrow path...

Ramble ramble ramble.

Wondering where exactly "Idunnobro" is on the map,

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