Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Took the easiest test ever today.

Test was handed out at 12:00, handed it back at 12:34, then took an hour and a half nap in class.

65 questions. swooshhh

(almost) literally:

how do you raise fish for testing?

a) put them in a tank and keep it well maintained and the fish well fed
b) catch them from the river
c) keep them in your bath-tub
d) what are "fish"?

Haha, watch me fail it.

Then hung out with Lydia and Hallie (she's been my shadow, huh?), went to the tempe parking garage
Discussed at church. I like those conversations.

I need peace of mind. My brain isn't slowing down.

I suck at blogging!

so, how's your week been? :)

looking up,

1 comment:

Kay said...

You don't suck THAT bad. Hah. I'm kidding.

Glad i stumbled across your blog!