Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Today was a very notable day, for several reasons.

My good friend Hallie returned from Oregon! and today was her first day back at school. She surprised me by coming into english, after I saw her schedule and realized we had no classes together. Then she got it changed at last minute when she realized how easy her class was. She came over after school and we chatted, laughed, remembered the good old times. Very nostalgic, right?

Ryan Guard occupied the next half of my evening. I hadn't seen that booger in a couple of weeks. It was refreshing; I don't feel like I've had a good conversation like that in some time. I had a lot I was thinking about, so I'm not sure if my words came out correctly. I think I told him that I only went to church because I had nothing else to do. haha! I didn't think about it until Katie asked me at church later on what Ryan and I talked about. I also remember giggling, mostly because the employees at starbucks were in a meeting that reminded us of a 3rd grade class room. "If you can hear me, clap twice...". Then we considered buying a basketball hoop for these downtown kids, but ran out of time. I'll be dumpin my piggy bank later to see if I can afford one! Or maybe just save up to plant a well for some tribes. You know, cuz everyone does that.

Merge was nice as well. I met this girl, Jade from Tennessee. She lived out in the boondocks, I guess, and had never had Jamba Juice or Carls Jr before. I began asking her things as if she were a martian. "Have you heard of Dillards? McDonalds? Chipotle?" it was funny.

I wonder a lot if where I'm going is right. I see a lot of things going on around me that seem to be isolating me. But I'm not sure the reason. I have ideas. And I want to know more. I'm a little quiet at first, a bit uncoordinated, but I'm down for chatting about life whenever. I have to cut this short...

Mother is calling,

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