Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Well it's almost Thursday.

And I've been out of school for 3 weeks. Yesterday morning was spent packing at the Guards. It just seemed like I was helping them get ready for a vacation, you know, like a permanent vacation. Except next time I see them they'll be staying in a bigger sized "hotel room", with jobs and the knowledge of small, local food places that are good. Besides chipotle, because I know they can't live without Chipotle. I didn't feel shaken, maybe it's because I haven't felt shaken by anything in a long long while, but I mostly feel like it's because I know I'll see them again, and I know we'll keep in touch. God does great things, and the Guards followed the call and God will take care of 'em.

This morning I woke up and headed out for a crazy little photo-shoot for our youth group's next lake day. The pictures turned out phenomenally. I think it's David, really. He has the personality of a model. Haha!

Click that picture for more!

My ears are still ringing. Just got home from seeing Goodnight Darling play. They're super good, the next big thing. Check them out. While there, though, we sat outside the venue waiting for the show to start. People are gathering out front of this church called OnePlace in Downtown Phoenix, and this guy in Khaki's, a beige button-up, some sun glasses, and a bag comes up and asks "Is this where everyone hangs out around here?". Tallia and I just look at each other, and begin to talk about how, generally, people who are here are from all over the valley just to see this band play. The man explains that he has just gotten out of prison, and it's his first time seeing anyone outside of the place in 10 years. I really didn't know what to say from there, and the man thanked us for letting him know what was going on and walked away. I guess I could've let him off asking if he knew Jesus, seeing we were standing in front of a church. And this man probably had nothing; no family that wanted to see him, no friends, not a place to live. The man could've been Jesus, and I wish I could've left him with something better. He had obviously been searching for knew friends, realizing that his old friends weren't so smart, or that they weren't loyal. Do you ever think that God has specific tasks for each of us to do, and if we don't get them done then the task will never surface? There's stories where God has chosen other people to work for Him, but do you ever think that if we all listened to the call, but were afraid to because we weren't used to it, then Christ would be a lot more noticeable within our country, or even the world? And are there a lot of things God already planned to do, but no one was sufficient for it, or disobeyed the call? Especially dealing with the wide-spread knowledge and following of Jesus being the basis of our reason behind our faith.

"My old man always swore that hell would have no flame
Just a front row seat
To watch your true love pack her things and drive away

1 comment:

Jared said...

So true bro it somthing we all have look out for!!
Hey add me to your blog!! haha.
