Sunday, June 15, 2008


Hume 2008, the week I had been counting down since June 17th of last year. I really don't know where to start, though I can say that I had a different experience than I intended, and I felt that God started my heart movement there and it still has not ended, yet I'm still not exactly sure where he is taking me now. I ended up in a cabin with Nate, the new youth pastor, David, Max, Kevin, Jeremy, Jon, Jordan, Sam, and Salvador (a few new kids that I had not met). Ultimately, I really only knew Sam and Kevin. The relationships between the rest of the boys has definitely strengthened since day one.

The theme "Rise of the Kinematics" makes you think of robotic gear (which the teams 'Robos' and 'Bots' originate from), yet the word "Kinematic" is really the idea of moving without a cause, reason, or understanding. The truth is that many christians, and often myself, do things without truly understanding why we do them, and the goal of the Hume staff was really to explain why Jesus had to die, why he was the only one who's bloodshed would free us from sin, and why we should live a rational faith, not a blind faith.

To be completely honest, I'm still processing everything. I think when I returned home last year I was being a bit selfish and only cared that i was fulfilled emotionally. This year, although I had a great time, met wonderful people, and had crazy experiences (High Adventure!), I think God wanted me focused on Him rather than the place, which is exactly what he got me to do. I'm looking over my notes and re-listening to the sermons, and praying. It's hard to convince myself that I was even there, because I don't have that high that I felt last year. It's mostly myself wrestling with God on a lot of levels about different things. But Hume definitely showed me how loud God can speak when you separate yourself, and how he will change your heart before he changes circumstances, as told to me by Nick Vujicic a few months back.

I don't know if it's the right thing to be waiting for, but I'm just waiting for something to click, something to hit me in the face, something to throw me off course and open myself to something my heart is being so cautious about.

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