Friday, May 2, 2008

Hooky Hooky Hooky

Slept in, nice and long today.
Parents allowed me to stay home from school.
Don't let them know i had 2 quizzes!
Went to the DMV, too. Didn't seem like a happy place.
Lots of people yelling, and upset, and waiting impatiently.
Then i got my license...
I got my permit...
So i can study for my permit! which i should be able to get in 31 days!
Went to Tempe Marker Place to see Raining & OK play.
I new friend Stephen is the bassist, and i hung out with Keira, Ryan, Kevin, Hallie, and some from Goodnight Darling.
I also saw Travis one last time before he left to Cali to see his family.
I'm not sure how i'll handle the next time I see him before it's 4 months.
Things generally don't hit me until I'm standing in the room, saying goodbye to someone.
Tread lightly, breathe deeply, and there go the water works...some of you know what I'm talking about! ;)
Went with Ryan to drop off Hallie, who got us completely lost on Van Buren, but it was a good ride home.
I haven't seen that kid in a while, with all of his band stuff going on.

On a freakier note, have you ever wondered if Satan really tries to scare you? Or, i don't know, make you feel weird? The devil's number is 666, right?
For example, Alex DeWitte got my a piƱata for Valentine day. I chopped the head off to get to the candy, and the silk boxers with hearts on them! Thank you alex. Then, a few days ago, i put it in the top of my closet shelf. A piece of the newspaper hung was sticking out, and it was the first 3 digits of a phone number, 999 upside-down, reading 666. Yesteryday, I was going a problem in math, and constantly, I got the answer 666, and realized I was off by a digit. Now, for the weirdest, i started my 365 project, and my view have been going up and down like a roller coaster. Guess what todays view number was?

Spooky! Or I'm just bored.
I might be seeing Ryan Guard tomorrow! And I have the rest of the weekend ahead. I think i'll wake up early tomorrow and get a good morning, start.

It's funny how you find you enjoy your life when you're happy to be alive.

Singing of His love for me,

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