Wednesday, February 27, 2008

3 Days Now. I'll get better at this

I realize I can blog from my phone, too. Maybe I'll just start at that.
Hmm, Monday. Horrible memory, again. Sorry.
I believe I went to the mall. I picked up "Through Painted Deserts". You know, the one by Donald Miller. He mentions it's the worst book he's ever written, but I'm just curious.

I think a book worm has gotten into me. I'm the apple.
I've got so much I want to read. I'd become an insomniac. I don't need sleep. Who does?
Tuesday and Wednesday were "late start" days
They go by just as long as normal days, though, it seems.

Hanging around the family and such.
Today's my sister's birthday. Big 1-1?
I suppose. I wish I remember what exactly went on when i was 11. Just to remember.
She wouldn't listen to my advice though. She won't even let me help her with her math homework.
Boy, can't wait to be a parent :)

Hmm. Church? Did you know that there's this little itty bitty protein that is in every cell of your body?. Called laminin. It holds everything together; it's the concrete, the steel of the building, the frame of the house. It holds everything together.

and it's in the shape of a...cross?

The thing that holds everything together. Inside and out. It's visible. It's real. It's stamped, marked, stainedddddd. Inside the cells of your BODY!!!!. I shed tears. Shh.

Think think think. Feed me that truth.

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