Sunday, July 6, 2008

Huh? Revalutia what?

If you know something, and you know it's right, and you feel it's right, why don't you do it?

Do you think God gives people different outlooks on things to fill out different parts of "the body of believers"? You know, the toe nail no one wants to b except Bobby who, or, i dunno, somethin? People claim God states His thoughts and what he wants clearly.

If you've got something you feel is right, how do you propose it to an environment where everyone else thinks they feel right, too?
And what do you do if they won't listen?

Do you start something on your own?
Isn't that how all churches have started?

I guess you have to ask first.

Why don't we just say "the church" like Jesus referred it to.
Why are we so broken up today?
And how do you bring everybody back together?

Jesus says it's all summed up in loving your neighbor as yourself.
And I think it's when there's little details that disregard us from that, we separate.

Nate said today there'd be a lot of changes.
I hope there's a lot of changes with a lot of love, because I don't think there's enough!

I think people get bored of a Jesus when there's no opportunity

1 comment:

Breanna said...

Love is a key ingredient, definantly :D
