Monday, October 13, 2008

It's just been

hard finding time to blog

i don't know exactly what to blog about

most people know what I'm doing Via twitter

and, nothing big has happened to me

or maybe, I haven't been paying attention to the little things, rather.

So again, I'm going on a computer fast. this time just for one week. I did the first two weeks, one week of it going into break. And now it'll be the other way around. I'll be going into school. So we'll see how this works.

I hope, each time I do this, my listening range will stop searching aimlessly within the bushes down the street, and pay attention to the stories the carpet and sheets and window blinds have to tell.

Something is happening right around me, but I'm too busy expecting something big. and i'm missing it.

And that's all

Thanks for reading

I miss all of you

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